Robin: Heartfelt thanks for starting this blog. It brought back lots of memories to read everyone’s comments. I remember several of you: from the good times at Wally’s, at the Blind Lemon, or just hearing Wally talk about you. When I first met Wally, I was about 24 years old, new to Cincinnati – no family or many friends, not even a car….just Scholar the Dog. As several of you mentioned, Wally was most generous, and took care of both of us for a while. We stayed friends over all these years and, when my husband and I had the opportunity to move to LA in 1993, we moved to Mt. Adams-by-the Sea (Manhattan Beach), and became neighbors again. One holiday back in the Glory Days, I wanted to tell Wally how much Scholar and I appreciated his friendship. My girlfriend Peggy could write in rhyme, so I asked her to write a poem for Wally….something that would tell the story of how he rescued Scholar and me. I found the poem in an old album. Thanks for the opportunity to share. -- Eileen
Ode to Wally
Circa 1972
Once upon a frosty morning in an earlier year
A fine young man in double-knits a little voice did hear
He checked under the street lamp, he was checking all around
He looked down at the sidewalk to trace this sorry sound.
“Help, help me,” cried the little voice, “my heart is all a-flutter”
You’re standing on my fingers, which are clinging to the gutter.
He spied an odd, disheveled lass, black curl and smiling tooth
Of all strange sights he’d ever seen, this was the most uncouth.
Now against his better judgment, he felt he ought to aid
This clearly fallen women who had supplication made.
He gingerly unwrapped his scarf from ‘round his proper neck
And lowered down a lifeline to this life-tossed human wreck.
She grabbed it with a vengeance, and held on very tight.
No sooner did he pull her up, she asked to stay the night.
She followed him right to his house where she pressed her nose
Against the front door where she stuck, like a thorn against a rose.
A child welfare social worker, so willing and so able
Her goals were just to save the kids, and be a pony in his stable.
The house was fun, the friends so cool, everything was just so regal
I agree, and the food was great, said Scholar T. Dog, the beagle.
Thank you for the best of times, never had to go too far
Just up the street, drinks on me, at the Blind Lemon bar.
New Verse (2009)
The friendship did last as the years went past
How lucky to be his friend
Wally will always be loved and missed
Until we meet again.
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